Mass media advertising with custom appeal

Monster Media is one company that’s putting brands out there in a BIG way…not just in terms of size but also in terms of delivery. This company creates interactive 3D ads based on motion-sensitive technology. People are not only paying attention, they are “playing” attention with these oversized digital murals that give them the opportunity to participate with the “living” ad.

Waving arms, kicking feet, smiling expressions…you name it. These ads literally respond to the public. So the public ultimately has control <seemingly>….
What John Q. Public may or may not know is that there may also be someone <ADVERTISER> who is actually remotely controlling what he sees and when. <PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN>.

You can go from “mass” to “target” in an instant. It’s custom advertising on a mass scale. Very kewl indeed.

The application possibilities are endless (see cover story in this week’s BusinessWeek):

The advertising industry is dreaming up uses for motion capture that literally stop consumers in their tracks. Recently, with little fanfare, Target (TGT ), adidas Group, and Clorox (CLX ) began running interactive ads on subway station walls in New York. One Target ad, a 6-by-20-ft. projection, featured snowflakes gently fluttering from the sky. It seemed unremarkable until you approached the wall. If you swiped your hand in the air, the background scene transformed from a wooded winter scene into a city skyline. And by waving both hands you could send the snowflakes into a swirl.

The target audiences are also endless – whether you’re a ‘tween or boomer, this is eye candy. This is fun. 

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