I forgot what it was like to move – one of life’s top stressors.
On the flip side, it provides fresh experiences. It’s stimulating. Exciting – like on vacation. But it’s also foreign…out of the comfort zone.
We wanted to communicate and connect with folks in our new home state as soon as possible. And we had a great jump start based on two decisions – one made inadvertently, the other intentionally: (1) Our decision to leave our television behind for the new owner of our former home. (2) Upon arrival in our new location, we deliberately delayed the set up of our computer.
So now there was no chance of getting comfortably lost in the fake world of television. And there was no video cam to link us to a familiar face. No email to connect with family and friends.
We met our neighbor for the first time shortly thereafter.
From that moment on, it started to feel a bit more familiar…more like we moved to a new “home.”
P.S. I couldn’t resist adding this quote from Franklin P. Jones: “Nothing makes you more tolerant of a neighbor’s noisy party than being there.”
NOTE: I could not find much information about this master-of-quotes, Mr. Jones. If you have additional knowledge about this individual, please do share.