I recently asked management at a consumer research firm if they ever had the occasion to strongly recommend killing a product prior to release. The firm said it happened often and with vigor. I was impressed.
We have choices in life. And choosing the path that could potentially jeopardize cash flow is usually not the one we prefer.
So, with that one response, the consumer research firm gained instant credibility, laying the foundation for the big-return bonding experience: TRUST. As we all know, one simply cannot hang a price tag on trust.
Killing a client project, divorcing a significant relationship, kiboshing a product in development, or terminating a new employee ultimately demonstrates leadership and vision because you’re looking out for the long-term big picture. You’re also looking out for the best interests of both parties (although, at times, it may not seem that way). Knowing exactly when to let go is just another form of achieving success.
My hat goes off to those who understand, embrace and practice “the art of letting go.”
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