A virtual toast: Making everything great in ‘08

Happy New Year!

As I wind down the clock on 2007, I am thinking about how, today, I am joining millions of people in the annual ritual of determining New Year’s resolutions – all in the name of self improvement. More exercise, better nutrition, etc. etc. Achieve work/life balance, focus on priorities, get more organized…the usual.

This year I am trading in all the “usual” resolutions for one: Work harder to protect my personal information and prevent identity theft.

In 2008, personal information will become yet even more valuable to etailers, educators, and employers…phishers, foes, and favorite civic / religious groups…non-profits, new (and traditional)  media, and national agencies…political parties, personal hygiene proprietors and personal ad web sites.

Unfortunately, the increased value on personal information also leads to more requests for that information, which leads to increased exposure, which ultimately makes us more vulnerable to identity theft.  

I hope you, too, will resolve to protect your identity just like you would protect any other valuable possession (Identity theft can now be included in your home insurance policy!).

Such a resolution would go a long way toward making everything great in ’08!

Special note: Through the years, I have discovered that my most successful New Year’s resolution lists were those that included goals relating to F-U-N.  And, at the end of the day, the addition of FUN goals only added more value to the personal identity.   😉

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