Squidoo or Squi-don’t?

If you don’t know about Squidoo, you don’t know what you’re missing.  🙂

What is Squidoo? Another brain child of Seth Godin, Squidoo is a community of single-page websites (each called a “lens”) built with passion and creativity by people like you and me – about the topics of our choice.

Squidoo is like a virtual erector set in that you are supplied all the building parts and limited only by your imagination – except, with Squidoo, anyone in the world can potentially see your creation when it is finished. And also, with Squidoo, your final product is auto-adorned with Internet ads.

Yes, that’s right. Squidoo cleverly combines the compassion of community and the passion of people with the business of advertising.  Upon completion, your lens is auto-populated with relevant Google ads. You can also choose to display items for sale from Amazon, CafePress, etc. And if someone buys an item via your lens, you generate a portion of the proceeds – for yourself, charity or a combination of both.

The best part? Creating a lens is so easy that my mother could do it (actually, to be fair, my mother is pretty tech savvy – but you know what I mean).

I have to admit…after creating my first lens (the operative word being “first”) about identity theft, I am completely hooked by Squidoo’s far-reaching, yet benevolent, tentacles. It’s no wonder – the Squidoo community’s vibrant and sunny disposition makes it difficult not to keep returning. And each visit provides a purely painless and pleasant user experience (how rare is that?!).

Folks, do not delay. Build your lens today. Squidoo is an effervescent experience that Squi-don’t want to miss!

P.S. Don’t forget to stop by my new Squidoo lens: Protecting Your Identity: Start with the Basics. I welcome your feedback and suggestions! 

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