Conference Keynote #2
Ronald J. Alsop, columnist for The Wall Street Journal and book author
“The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaking Up the Workplace.”
That’s the title of Ron’s new book. It was also the focus of his keynote, which – of course – effectively underscored the conference’s theme.
In short, the influx of the Millennials in companies and colleges across the country will inspire and require new thinking about everyday organizational processes ranging from recruitment and retention. Integrating this impending force of about 80 million will not be an easy undertaking and will require significant internal adjustments…but by the organizations, not the Millennials.
For instance, recruiters are changing their tactics and trying to reach the Millennials via blogs and social networking sites. Companies are also gearing up to meet potential new retention challenges – a result of the Millennials’ tendency to switch jobs easily and frequently.
More about the Millennials:
- Born between 1980 and 2001
- Grew up receiving special treatment from parents, teachers, and coaches
- Have high self-esteem and great expectations for their careers
- Are technology-savvy multi-taskers and civic-minded individuals
- Require a lot of direction and positive reinforcement
- Have “helicopter parents” who stay involved in their lives even after they leave home for college and when they enter the workplace
- Demand a work-life balance
- View job as a place to socialize
- Clash sometimes with other generations, particularly if their work ethic is questioned
Throughout the presentation, Ron doled out deliciously qualitative data-bytes and first-hand anecdotes from his interviews and discussions with HR professionals, recruiters, educators, and business managers in multiple industries. But, for the full monty, we must turn to his book which also contains the highly anticipated results of a Millennial generation survey conducted by Harris Interactive. I’ve already ordered my copy!
ADDITIONAL READING: Welcoming the New Millennials by Ron Alsop