Blogger relations and traditional media relations are not entirely uncommon. Of the following steps, which ones may also be applied to traditional media relations? And what other blogger-relations steps or tips would you add to this list?
- RESEARCH and identify the blogs relating to your space
- READ, read, and re-read those target blogs
- RETRAIN yourself to listen more and talk (broadcast) less
- RESPOND with thoughtful comments posted to target blogs
- RELATIONSHIP is key, so start to develop one with the blogger before you pitch
- RECIPROCITY in the relationship matters. So let the blogger get to know you as a person (and you should have some sort of online presence, too)
- RELEVANCE is highly relevant. Your pitch content must match interest of the blogger and his/her community
- REALLY SHORT pitches. Brevity counts! A three-liner is great. Shoot for the ultimate goal: 140 characters or less. Teaser pitches are OK.
- REVIEW target blogs for Pitch policy icon or Pitch policy; if no icon or policy, then ask (a great way to introduce yourself)
- RELEASES need to be social, as in template and tone
- RESPECT bloggers – as most don’t get paid; so in reality, their time is even more precious
- ROLE REVERSAL. It’s not about you or your company. Put yourself in the blogger’s shoes. What’s in it for the blogger?
- REALIZE that – like PR – Social Media (e.g., blogging) is based more on the Social Sciences, not technology
- RESOURCE. Be one for the blogger and blogger’s community; bring value (even if it means connecting blogger to another PR person) to the community and conversation. Be helpful and human.
- REAL. Be transparent and authentic. No B.S.
Thanks to the following folks for inspiration:
Renee Blodgett
Jennifer Van Grove
Brian Solis
Todd Defren
And last but not least…
Toby Bloomberg
In particular, I am especially grateful for Toby Bloomberg’s leadership in developing and sharing this most excellent series about blogger relations.
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