Content was king at annual Communicator’s Conference

Last week I attended the regional Communicator’s Conference in Portland – presented by the local chapters of PRSA and IABC with professionals attending from Alaska, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington. <See FlickR photos in main sidebar.>

It was a great conference because content was king. The theme was “Being Heard by Multiple Generations.” The topics were timely and relevant, and I learned from each presentation. My only problem was deciding which breakout session to attend.  🙂

And, to top it all off, the networking was fantastic!

A sincere shout out goes to the 2008 volunteers, advisory board and committee members, including co-chairs Abigail Dougherty of Straight Edge Coaching and Taraneh Foster of Woloshin Communications.

STAY TUNED: More about the conference content coming up…

Does your company have verve?

“Jingshen is the Mandarin word for spirit and vivacity. It is an important word for those who would lead, because above all things, spirit and vivacity set effective organizations apart from those that will decline and die.”    

~ James L. Hayes, former president of the American Management Association

ADDITIONAL READING: You Have 7 Years to Learn Mandarin from Fortune Magazine – April 30, 2008

Which one are you?

Scientist. Engineer. Technician.

“The first time you do something, it’s science. The second time you do something, it’s engineering. The third time…it’s technology – being a technician.”

 – Clifford Stoll, man of many intellectual hats and author of Cuckoo’s Egg (still a great yarn after all these years), talks at TED in February 2006 

Which one are you in your career? 

Which one does your company value most?

Twitter with a twist, anyone?

Twistori is like having a virtual finger on the emotional pulse of the Twitter community.

Love. Hate. Think. Believe. Feel. Wish.

After scanning tweets for emotive keywords, Twistori then publishes the related posts anonymously and randomly on a visually yummy scrolling billboard. The result? According to ReadWriteWeb‘s elegant take: “Be cautioned: Watching the feelings of anonymous Twitter users scroll by can be strangely addictive.”

Have a peep, folks. It’s a free show.

Thanks to Twistori Co-Creators Amy Hoy and Thomas Fuchs for producing this sweet labor of love

i wish already that i knew more about twistori, phase 2…