Tag: blogging

What is news?

paulrevereNews is what you think it is.

Today, with access to unprecedented amounts of information on the Internet – including millions of blogs, comments, traditional news sites, reviews, press releases, videos, and conversations on social networks – people are choosing how and when they are receiving their information. But, more importantly, they’re choosing “what” information they want.

This is what we call news.  

It’s that simple: News is what we think it is. Just like brands are shaped by consumer perceptions, reputations are built by recommendations from friends and peers, and expert labels are earned by professional colleagues, news is defined by what we think is important. And on the Social Web today, this is gauged through our participation in telling stories and determined by our willingness to share information.

Ironically, it has been this way throughout history. For a time, however, when traditional mass media was the fastest method to share information, news was packaged for easier distribution and consumption. It may or may not have been what we considered news, but it was – at the time – the fastest way of getting “new information.” And when pieces of information somehow dripped outside of the packaged news story, it was often called a leak. Not surprisingly, though, the leaks were stories that had audiences too. Quite often leaks also became very popular “news” stories. So today, you can think of the Internet as a virtual news sieve…with leaks all over the place, each one with its own relevant audience.

Whether it’s leaking information or telling stories, we all play an important role in creating and disseminating news. And that can mean anything from stimulating global conversation to actively sharing bits of highly relevant information with members of our community. 

Welcome to the Social Web — where every visitor, reader, and contributor is also a reporter.

Yes, WordPress does rock

I have warm fuzzies.

Although some of these feelings came from a recent “super quick” response to my question in “Forums” and seeing the new Monotone blog theme, my overall fuzzies are the result of my comprehensive experiences with WordPress over the past year.
I am very happy to have a WordPress blog. And I’m lucky to be a part of the WordPress community. Folks here rock – from the forum participants to the developers. Best of all, WordPress is always improving and evolving. And did I mention it’s FREE?

Lucky, indeed.

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The joy of Jotting, redux

Jott is a free voice-to-text service that seamlessly connects your phone, email and Internet communications.

Call Jott’s toll free number and your talk is transcribed and sent via text to email, blog, Yahoo Groups, etc. If you’re skeptical about the quality of transcription, you can also opt to send the original audio file with your text message.
As Jott approaches its one-year anniversary, the service’s features and applications continue to grow – with prospective users ranging from PR practitioners to party planners.

You can also create your own Jott Groups to communicate with diverse lists of unlimited contacts. I foresee key professional initiatives – such as crisis management, customer updates, and emergency response – being positively affected by this nifty technology. 

I’m giddy about this virtual gab gadget.      : )

Thanks to Debbie Weil at BlogWrite for CEOs for calling out this cool tool.

P.S. So, does this mean that jotting + blogging = blotting? (as in “To osmose? To mark? To brand?”)

The joy of Jotting….

The joy of Jotting. This is a test. It is only a test. I am blogging with my voice from my mobile phone. Now you can too. Go to www.Jott.com. It takes just a few minutes to get set up. Check it out. I heart Jotting. listen

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