Tag: Marketing

Which one are you?

Scientist. Engineer. Technician.

“The first time you do something, it’s science. The second time you do something, it’s engineering. The third time…it’s technology – being a technician.”

 – Clifford Stoll, man of many intellectual hats and author of Cuckoo’s Egg (still a great yarn after all these years), talks at TED in February 2006 

Which one are you in your career? 

Which one does your company value most?

Making data-based decisions

Data makes decision making easy. Data adds credibility to communications. Data clarifies and corrects misconceptions. Data helps provide direction.

When is the last time you dug up some data? 

P.S. If you’re feeling indecisive during this election season, check out the data at Project Vote Smart.  

Squidoo or Squi-don’t?

If you don’t know about Squidoo, you don’t know what you’re missing.  🙂

What is Squidoo? Another brain child of Seth Godin, Squidoo is a community of single-page websites (each called a “lens”) built with passion and creativity by people like you and me – about the topics of our choice.

Squidoo is like a virtual erector set in that you are supplied all the building parts and limited only by your imagination – except, with Squidoo, anyone in the world can potentially see your creation when it is finished. And also, with Squidoo, your final product is auto-adorned with Internet ads.

Yes, that’s right. Squidoo cleverly combines the compassion of community and the passion of people with the business of advertising.  Upon completion, your lens is auto-populated with relevant Google ads. You can also choose to display items for sale from Amazon, CafePress, etc. And if someone buys an item via your lens, you generate a portion of the proceeds – for yourself, charity or a combination of both.

The best part? Creating a lens is so easy that my mother could do it (actually, to be fair, my mother is pretty tech savvy – but you know what I mean).

I have to admit…after creating my first lens (the operative word being “first”) about identity theft, I am completely hooked by Squidoo’s far-reaching, yet benevolent, tentacles. It’s no wonder – the Squidoo community’s vibrant and sunny disposition makes it difficult not to keep returning. And each visit provides a purely painless and pleasant user experience (how rare is that?!).

Folks, do not delay. Build your lens today. Squidoo is an effervescent experience that Squi-don’t want to miss!

P.S. Don’t forget to stop by my new Squidoo lens: Protecting Your Identity: Start with the Basics. I welcome your feedback and suggestions! 

A fool company and its money are soon parted…

Comcast is cutting off customers who download too much.

Is this a strategy to add value to its bottom line? With a policy such as this, Comcast will also have the added bonus of ticking off its customers.

Worse still, the “policy” is not consistent or concrete – as it pertains to volume or geography – according to subscribers cited in this CBS News story. At the end of the day, Comcast customers with a hearty bandwidth appetite are in a lose-lose situation because the company “provides no tools for monitoring bandwidth, and does not give any specific guidance.” 

Comcast’s decision to cut the bandwidth cord on heavy users is foolishness. The reasons why it’s foolish vary depending on your perspective…as a consumer, as a marketeer, as a field technician for Comcast. However, I am compelled to highlight this key financial reason, which was so eloquently illuminated by The Motley Fool:

“Given its triple-play option, the last thing Comcast would want is to lose three connections of revenue from a peeved subscriber. Psst, Comcast. Want to know how you keep those greedy customers? Charge them for their heavy habits!”

  gamewikisjester6.jpg   Jester hats off to The Motley Fool for its sound business and marketing advice. 

Image: GuildWiki – Available under the CC 2.0 by-nc-sa license.