Tag: Motley Fool

A fool company and its money are soon parted…

Comcast is cutting off customers who download too much.

Is this a strategy to add value to its bottom line? With a policy such as this, Comcast will also have the added bonus of ticking off its customers.

Worse still, the “policy” is not consistent or concrete – as it pertains to volume or geography – according to subscribers cited in this CBS News story. At the end of the day, Comcast customers with a hearty bandwidth appetite are in a lose-lose situation because the company “provides no tools for monitoring bandwidth, and does not give any specific guidance.” 

Comcast’s decision to cut the bandwidth cord on heavy users is foolishness. The reasons why it’s foolish vary depending on your perspective…as a consumer, as a marketeer, as a field technician for Comcast. However, I am compelled to highlight this key financial reason, which was so eloquently illuminated by The Motley Fool:

“Given its triple-play option, the last thing Comcast would want is to lose three connections of revenue from a peeved subscriber. Psst, Comcast. Want to know how you keep those greedy customers? Charge them for their heavy habits!”

  gamewikisjester6.jpg   Jester hats off to The Motley Fool for its sound business and marketing advice. 

Image: GuildWiki – Available under the CC 2.0 by-nc-sa license.